yl6809永利成立于2017年,是在2002年成立的永利集团化工学院食品工程系的基础上,汇集西北农林科技大学食品科学与工程、永利集团食品科学与工程、生命科学等相关专业的团队力量组建而成。学院现有二级学科博士点1个,一级学科硕士点1个,二级学科硕士点1个。 公司现有专职教师45人,其中教授9人,副教授21人,讲师15人,100%的教师具有博士学位,80%的教师有海外留学经历。教师队伍中有原国务院学位委员会学科评议组专家1人,享受国务院特殊津贴专家1人,教育部新世纪人才2人,陕西省“三五”人才1人,陕西省科技创新领军人才2人和陕西青年科技奖获得者2人。学院拥有“朱蓓薇院士工作站”、“陕西省食品安全风险识别控制技术研究中心”、“陕西省营养健康食品个性制造工程实验室”、“陕西省食品安全与营养健康创新转化平台”和“陕西省蜂产品工程技术研究中心”、“陕西省天然多糖资源利用工程研究中心”等科研平台...
郭 森
l 职称:讲师
l 联系方式:guosen0828@nwu.edu.cn; guosen0828@163.com
l 个人简介:
1. Sen Guo, Xiameng Ren, Kan He, Xiaozhuo Chen, Shanshan Zhang, Marc Roller, Bolin Zheng, Qunyi Zheng, Chi-Tang Ho, Naisheng Bai*. The anti-diabetic effect of eight Lagerstroemia speciosa leaf extracts based on the contents of ellagitannins and ellagic acid derivatives. Food & Function,2020,11,1560-1571.
2. Sen Guo, Li Liu, Shanshan Zhang, Chuang Yang, Wenping Yue, Haoan Zhao, Chi-Tang Ho, Junfeng Du, Hai Zhang, Naisheng Bai*. Chemical characterization of the main bioactive polyphenols from the roots of Morus australis (mulberry). Food & Function,2019,10,6915-6926.
3. Sen Guo, Xueqin Cui, Mi Jiang, Lu Bai, Xiao Tian, Tiantian Guo, Qingchao Liu, Li Zhang, Chi-Tang Ho, Naisheng Bai*. Simultaneous characterization and quantification of seventeen main compounds in Rabdosia rubescens by high performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis,2017,25, 417-424.
4. Feng Li, Sen Guo, Shanshan Zhang, Sainan Peng, Wei Cao, Chi-Tang Ho, Naisheng Bai*. Bioactive constituents of F. esculentum bee pollen and quantitative analysis of samples collected from seven areas by HPLC. Molecules,2019,24(15),2705.(并列第一来源:yl6809永利)
5. Sen Guo, Junfeng Du, Shanshan Zhang, Tianyi Wang, Hai Zhang, Haoan Zhao, Wenping Yue, Chi-Tang Ho, Naisheng Bai*. Simultaneous characterization and quantification of flavonoids in Morus australis root as hepatoprotective potential nutraceuticals. Journal of Food Biochemistry. 2020,44, e13259
6. Sen Guo, Haoan Zhao, Zhongxioa Ma, Shanshan Zhang, Mingrou Li, Zhaojing Zheng, Xiameng Ren, Chi-Tang Ho, Naisheng Bai*. Anti-obesity and gut microbiota modulation effect of secoiridoid-enriched extract from Fraxinus mandshurica seeds on high-fat diet-fed mice[J]. Molecules, 2020, 25, 4001.
7. Xiao Tian, Sen Guo, Shanshan Zhang, Peisheng Li, Tianyi Wang, Chi‐Tang Ho, Min‐Hsiung Pan, Naisheng Bai*. Chemical characterization of main bioactive constituents in Paeonia ostii seed meal and GC-MS analysis of seed oil. Journal of Food Biochemistry,2020,44,e13088.(并列第一来源:yl6809永利)
8. Sen Guo, Lu Bai, ChiTang Ho, Naisheng Bai*. Characteristic components, biological activities and future prospective of fructus mori: a review. Current Pharmacology Reports,2018,4(3),210-219.
9. Sen Guo, Tiantian Guo, Ni Cheng, Qingchao Liu, Yunting Zhang, Lu Bai, Li Zhang, Wei Cao, Chi-Tang Ho, Naisheng Bai*. Hepatoprotective standardized EtOH-water extract from the seeds of Fraxinus rhynchophylla Hance. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine,2017,7,158-164.
10. Lu Bai, Sen Guo, Qingchao Liu, Xueqin Cui, Xinxin Zhang, Li Zhang, Xinwen Yang, Manwei Hou, Chi-Tang Ho, Naisheng Bai*. Characterization of nine polyphenols in fruits of Malus pumila Mill. by high-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis,2016,24(2),293-298.
11. Tianyi Wang, Sen Guo, Shanshan Zhang, Wenping Yue, ChiTang Ho, Naisheng Bai*. Identification and quantification of seven sesquiterpene lactones in Inula britannica by HPLC-DAD-MS. Analytical Methods. 2019,11,1822-1833.
12. Xiao Tian, Sen Guo, Kan He, Marc Roller, Meiqi Yang, Qingchao Liu, Li Zhang, Chi-Tang Ho, Naisheng Bai*. Characterization and quantitative analysis of chemical constituents of Ptychopetalum olacoides Benth. Natural Product Research,2017,32(3),1-4.
13. Xiaofang Zhang, Sen Guo, Chi-Tang Ho, Naisheng Bai*. Phytochemical constituents and biological activities of Longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) fruit: A Review. Food Science and Human Wellness. 2020, 9(2):95-102.
14. Lu Bai, Mi Jiang, Sen Guo, Qingchao Liu, Xinxin Zhang, Xiao Tian, Li Zhang, Chi-Tang Ho, Naisheng Bai*. Simultaneous quantification of six sesquiterpene lactones and a flavonoid in the whole life stage of Inula salsoloides by high performance liquid chromatography. Analytical Methods,2016,8, 3587- 3591.
15. Xiao Tian, Meiqi Yang, Sen Guo, Qingchao Liu, Li Zhang, Chi-Tang Ho, NaishengBai*. Quantitative analysis and chemical fingerprint similarity for producing areas differentiation of the seeds of Paeonia suffruticosa Andr by HPLC. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities,2017,33(4), 546-551.
16. Tiantian Guo, Shaoping Wu, Sen Guo, Lu Bai, Qingchao Liu*, Naisheng Bai*. Synthesis and evaluation of a series of oleanolic acid saponins as α-Glucosidase and α-Amylase inhibitors. Archiv der Pharmazie, 2015, 348, 1-14.
17. Xueqin Cui, Zhongxiao Ma, Lu Bai, Yong Wu, Sen Guo, Qingchao Liu, Li Zhang, Chi-Tang Ho, Naisheng Bai*. Phytochemical analysis of Ziziphus jujuba leaves in six cultivars at the whole life stage by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities,2017, 33(5),702-708.
18. Lu Bai, Hai Zhang, Qingchao Liu, Yong Zhao, Xueqin Cui, Sen Guo, Li Zhang, ChiTang Ho, Naisheng Bai*. Chemical characterization of the main bioactive constituents from fruits of Ziziphus jujuba. Food & Function,2016,7,2870-2877.
19. Lu Bai, Xueqin Cui, Ni Cheng, Wei Cao, Yong Wu, Sen Guo, Li Zhang, ChiTang Ho, Naisheng Bai*. Hepatoprotective standardized EtOH–water extract of the leaves of Ziziphus jujuba. Food & Function,2017, 8(2),816-822.
20. Xueqin Cui , Jing Guo , Chingshu Lai , Min-Hsiung Pan, Zhongxiao Ma, Sen Guo, Qingchao Liu , Li Zhang, ChiTang Ho, Naisheng Bai *. Analysis of bioactive constituents from the leaves of Amorpha fruticosa L. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis,2017,25(4),992-999.
21. Lu Bai, Qingchao Liu, Yijing Cen, Jinping Huang, Xinxin Zhang, Sen Guo, Li Zhang, Tiantian Guo, Chi-Tang Ho, and Naisheng Bai*. A new sesquiterpene lactone glucoside and other constituents from Inula salsoloides with insecticidal activities on striped flea beetle (Phyllotreta striolata Fabricius). Natural Product Research,2018,32(5),552-557.
22. 白乃生; 郭森; 刘庆超; 张云婷; 张丽; 白璐; 张鑫鑫; 田潇; 大叶白蜡树种子化学成分标准化的提取物及其制备方法和应用; CN201610065908X.(授权)
23. 白乃生; 白璐; 刘庆超; 张丽; 郭森; 张鑫鑫; 郭静; 一种沙旋复花中标准化提取物及其分析方法和应用; CN2016100660335.(授权)
24. 白乃生; 白璐; 吴勇; 刘庆超; 张丽; 郭森; 崔雪琴; 江咪; 一种红枣树叶标准化提取物及其制备和应用; CN2016100660316.(授权)
25. 白乃生; 郭森; 张姗姗; 岳文平; 杨闯; 高兵; 郭雅欣; 一种鸡桑根提取物、提取分离方法及其应用; CN201910873869X.
26. 白乃生; 郭森; 张姗姗; 岳文平; 杨闯; 高兵; 郭雅欣; 王天义; 一种鸡桑根标准化提取物及其制备方法和应用; CN2019108739739.
27. 白乃生; 马忠孝; 郭森; 张姗姗; 王天义; 彭赛男; 田梦琪; 王梦旭; 白璐; 一种水曲柳种子提取物、提取分离方法及其应用; CN2018109940415.
28. 白乃生; 王梦旭; 郭雅欣; 郭森; 彭赛男; 张姗姗; 岳文平; 高兵; 一种软枣猕猴桃根提取物、提取分离方法及其应用; CN2019108738774.
29. 白乃生; 田梦琪; 岳文平; 郭森; 张姗姗; 郭雅欣; 高兵; 彭赛男; 一种枣核提取物及其提取分离方法和应用; CN201910873876X.
30. 白乃生; 彭赛男; 高兵; 郭森; 张姗姗; 郭雅欣; 岳文平; 一种桑葚提取物、提取分离方法及其应用; CN2019108738789.
31. 白乃生; 王天义; 张姗姗; 郭森; 岳文平; 高兵; 彭赛男; 一种蓝萼香茶菜根提取物、提取分离方法及其应用; CN2019108712859.
32. 白乃生; 房东晶; 王天义; 郭森; 张姗姗; 田梦琪; 彭赛男; 白璐; 一种汉麻仁提取物、提取分离方法及其应用; CN2018109846748.
33. 白乃生; 李奉; 彭赛男; 郭森; 张姗姗; 王天义; 田梦琪; 白璐; 一种荞麦蜂花粉提取物、提取分离方法及其应用; CN2018109846979.
34. 白乃生; 杨美琪; 田梦琪; 郭森; 张姗姗; 王梦旭; 王天义; 彭赛男; 白璐; 一种枣根提取物、提取分离方法及其应用; CN2018109846998.
35. 白乃生; 田潇; 刘庆超; 郭森; 杨美琪; 田梦琪; 王天义; 郭甜甜; 李奉; 一种牡丹籽提取物及其作为抗肿瘤药物的应用; CN2017106581878.
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