yl6809永利成立于2017年,是在2002年成立的永利集团化工学院食品工程系的基础上,汇集西北农林科技大学食品科学与工程、永利集团食品科学与工程、生命科学等相关专业的团队力量组建而成。学院现有二级学科博士点1个,一级学科硕士点1个,二级学科硕士点1个。 公司现有专职教师45人,其中教授9人,副教授21人,讲师15人,100%的教师具有博士学位,80%的教师有海外留学经历。教师队伍中有原国务院学位委员会学科评议组专家1人,享受国务院特殊津贴专家1人,教育部新世纪人才2人,陕西省“三五”人才1人,陕西省科技创新领军人才2人和陕西青年科技奖获得者2人。学院拥有“朱蓓薇院士工作站”、“陕西省食品安全风险识别控制技术研究中心”、“陕西省营养健康食品个性制造工程实验室”、“陕西省食品安全与营养健康创新转化平台”和“陕西省蜂产品工程技术研究中心”、“陕西省天然多糖资源利用工程研究中心”等科研平台...
近年来主持国家自然科学基金、陕西省社发攻关项目、中国博士后面上项目、陕西省科技厅自然科学基础研究计划等纵向科研项目6项,主持企业合作横向项目1项;主持教育部产学合作协同育人项目2项,参与1项;作为主要参与人参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、陕西省中央引导地方科技发展专项资金项目等4项。目前已在Food & Function、European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry等期刊发表 SCI 论文 30 余篇。
[1] 枣花蜂蜜成熟过程中次生代谢物组分分子变化机制研究,31901786,国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持。
[2] 食品级反式-金合欢醇醋酸酯公斤级制备工艺开发及优化,福建同舟济生物科技有限公司,2022年3月,郭甜甜,主持,100万
[3] 基于Bcl-2蛋白的大花旋覆花内酯糖苷抗肿瘤药物先导物的研究开发,2016SF-240,陕西省社会发展攻关项目,主持。
[7] 齐墩果酸三萜皂苷PTP1B抑制剂的设计合成及构效关系研究,永利集团校内自然科学基金,14NW08,主持。
[10]基于PPAR α(γ)等靶点的植物--水曲柳种子抗糖尿病功能分子研究,31570348,国家自然科学基金面上项目,参与,排名第五。
[1] 产学研融合背景下基于案例教学模式的《天然产物化学》课程体系构建,220605042174422,教育部产学合作协同育人项目,主持。
[2] “新工科”教育背景下《天然药物化学课程》实践体系团队培训,202101339024,教育部产学合作协同育人项目,主持。
[3] 基于“新工科”教育背景下天然药物化学课程群及教学团队建设,202101339008,教育部产学合作协同育人项目,参与,排名第二。
[1] Tiantian Guo, Qingchao Liu, Pengbo Hou, Fahui Li, Shoudong Guo, Weiguo Song, Hai Zhang, Xueying Liu, Shengyong Zhang, Jianchun Zhang, Chi-Tang Ho and Naisheng Bai. Stilbenoids and cannabinoids from the leaves of Cannabis sativa f. sativa with potential reverse cholesterol transport activity [J]. Food & Function, 2018, 9: 6609-6618. (中科院1区,Top期刊)
[2] Xiaoan Li, Tiantian Guo, Qian Feng, Tiantian Bai, Lei Wu, Yubo Liu, Xu Zheng, Jianzhong Jia, Jin Pei, Shaoping Wu, Yiming Song, Yongmin Zhan. Progress of thrombus formation and research on the structure-activity relationship for antithrombotic drugs [J]. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2022, 228: 114035. (共同第一来源:yl6809永利)(中科院1区,Top期刊)
[3] Tiantian Guo, Meng-Meng Song, Wen-Rong Han, Jun-Heng Zhu, Qing-Chao Liu, Jun-Feng Wang. New N-methyl-4-quinolone alkaloid and citrinin dimer derivatives from the sponge-derived fungus Penicillium sp. SCSIO 41303 [J]. Phytochemistry Letters, 2021, 46: 29-35.
[4] Tiantian Guo, Yiming Song, Yinghui Lu, Guolin Li, Tian Liu, Wenrong Han, Weiguo Song, Chuncheng Yang, Fahui Li and Qingchao Liu. Total synthesis and anticancer activity of the natural oleanolic acid bidesmoside saponin, albidoside A, isolated from the roots of Acacia albida [J]. Journal of Chemical Research, 2020, 44(1-2): 42-49.
[5] Tiantian Guo, Shaoping Wu, Sen Guo, Lu Bai, Qingchao Liu, and Naisheng Bai. Synthesis and Evaluation of a Series of Oleanolic Acid Saponins as a-Glucosidase and a-Amylase Inhibitors [J]. Arch. Pharm. Chem. Life Sci., 2015, 348: 615–628.
[6] Tian-Tian Guo, Jian-Chun Zhang, Hai Zhang, Qing-Chao Liu, Yong Zhao, Yu-Fei Hou, Lu Bai, Li Zhang, Xue-Qiang Liu, Xue-Ying Liu, Sheng-Yong Zhang and Nai-Sheng Bai. Bioactive spirans and other constituents from the leaves of Cannabis sativa f. sativa [J]. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2017, 19(8): 793–802.
[7] Yiming Song, Tiantian Guo, Qingchao Liu, Weiguo Song and Fahui Li. A sequential one-pot strategy for the synthesis of triterpenoid saponins in ionic liquid [emim][OTf] [J]. Journal of Chemical Research, 2019, 43(1-2): 20–25. (共同第一来源:yl6809永利)
[8] Guo, T. T.; Liu, Q. C.; Zhang, L.; Wang, P.; Li, Y. X*. Facile synthesis of four natural triterpene saponins with important antitumor activity. Synthetic Commun. 41, 357-371, 2011.
[9] Guo, T. T.; Liu, Q. C.; Wang, P.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, W.; Li, Y. X*. Facile synthesis of three bidesmosidic oleanolic acid saponins with strong inhibitory activity on pancreatic lipase. Carbohydr. Res. 344, 1167-1174, 2009.
[10] Liu Qingchao, Guo Tiantian, Li Fahui, Li Dong. Concise synthesis of a new triterpenoid saponinfrom the roots of Gypsophila oldhamiana and its derivatives as α-glucosidase inhibitors [J]. New Journal of Chemistry, 2016, 40: 9537-9549.
[11] Liu Qingchao, Guo Tiantian, Li Dong, Li Wenhong. Concise synthesis of two natural steroidal glycosides isolated from Allium schoenoprasum [J]. Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2016, 42: 1611-1626.
[12] Feng Zili, Wu Shaoping, Li Wenhong, Guo Tiantian, Liu Qingchao. Concise synthesis and antidiabetic effect of three natural triterpenoid saponins isolated from Fadogia ancylantha (Makoni tea) [J]. Helvetica Chimica Acta, 2015, 98(9): 1254-1266.
[13] Bai Lu, Liu Qingchao, Cen Yijing, Huang Jinping, Zhang Xinxin, Guo Sen, Zhang Li, Guo Tiantian, Ho Chitang, Bai Naisheng. A new sesquiterpene lactone glucoside and other constituents from Inula salsoloides with insecticidal activities on striped flea beetle (Phyllotreta striolata Fabricius) [J]. Natural Product Research, 2018, 32: 552-557.
[14] Liu, Q. C.; Guo, T. T.; Li, D.; Li, F. H.; Li, W. H*. Synthesis and evaluation of several oleanolic acid glycoconjugates as protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B inhibitors. Eur. J. Med. Chem. 79, 34-46, 2014. (中科院1区,Top期刊)
[15] Liu, Q. C.; Guo, T. T.; Zhang, C.; Sun, J.; Li, W. H*. Synthesis of a trisaccharide related to the cytotoxic triterpenoid saponins isolated from the bark of Albizia procera. Helv. Chim. Acta, 97, 361-368, 2014.
[16] Liu, Q. C.; Guo, T. T.; Zhang, L.; Yu, Y.; Wang, P.; Yang, J. F.; Li, Y. X*. Synthesis and biological evaluation of oleanolic acid derivatives as PTP1B inhibitors. Eur. J. Med. Chem., 63, 511-522, 2013. (中科院1区,Top期刊)
[17] Liu, Q. C*.; Guo, T. T.; Li, F. H.; Li, D. Concise synthesis of a new triterpenoid saponin from the roots of Gypsophila oldhamiana and its derivatives as a-glucosidase inhibitor. New J. Chem., 40, 9537-9549, 2016.
[18] Liu, Q. C*.; Guo, T. T.; Li, D.; Li, W. H. Concise synthesis and antidiabetic effect of three natural triterpenoid saponins isolated from Fadogia ancylantha (Makoni tea). Res. Chem. Intermed., 42, 1611-1626, 2016.
[19] Liu, Q. C.; Guo, T. T.; Guo, S. D.; Li, W. H*.; Li, D. Synthesis and evaluation of four hederagenin glycosides as a-glucosidase inhibitor. Helv. Chim. Acta, 96 (1),142-149, 2013.
[20] Liu, Q. C.; Guo, T. T.; Li, W. H*.; Li, D.; Feng, Z. L. Synthesis and evaluation of benzophenone O-glycosides as a-glucosidase inhibitors. Arch. Pharm., 345 (10), 771-783, 2012.
[21] Guo, S.; Guo, T. T.; Cheng, N.; Liu, Q. C.; Zhang, Y. T.; Bai, L.; Zhang, L.; Cao, W.; Ho, C. T.; Bai, N. S.*. Hepatoprotective standardized EtOH-water extract from the seeds of Franxinus rhynchophylla Hance. J. Trad. Comp. Medicine DOI:10.1016/j.jtcme.2016.05.001, 2016.
[22] Liu, Q. C.; Guo, T. T.; Guo, S. D.; Li, W. H*.; Li, D. Synthesis and evaluation of four hederagenin glycosides as a-glucosidase inhibitor. Helv. Chim. Acta, 96 (1),142-149, 2013.
[23] Liu, Q. C.; Guo, T. T.; Li, W. H*.; Li, D.; Feng, Z. L. Synthesis and evaluation of benzophenone O-glycosides as a-glucosidase inhibitors. Arch. Pharm., 345 (10), 771-783, 2012.
[24] Liu, Q. C.; Guo, T. T.; Fan, Z.; Li, D.; Li, W. H. First total synthesis of two new heterocyclic compounds: bretschneiderazines A and B. Chin. Chem. Lett., 22, 801-803, 2011.
[25] Li, C. X.; Guo, T. T.; Wang, P.; Guan, H. S.; Li, Y. X. Semi-synthesis of several stigmasterol saponins. Chin. J. Chem., 24, 917-922, 2006.
[26] Li, Y .X.; Zhang, Y. C.; Guo, T. T.; Guan, H. S.; Hao, Y.; Yu, B. Synthesis of the cytotoxic gitogenin 3β-O-[2-O-(α-L-rhamnopyranosyl)-β-D-galactopyranoside] and its congeners. Synthesis 5, 0775-0782, 2006.
[27] Zhang, Y. C.; Li, Y. X.; Guo, T. T.; Guan, H. S.; Shi, J. W.; Yu, Q.; Yu, B. Synthesis of chlorogenin 6α-O-acyl-3-O-β-chacotrioside and their antitumor activities. Carbohydr. Res. 340, 1453-1459, 2005.
[28] Liu, Q. C.; Li, W. H*.; Guo, T. T.; Li, D.; Fan, Z.; Yan, S. H. Efficient synthesis of a bis-glycosyl kaempferol from Fagonia taeckholmiana. Chem. Lett., 3, 324-325, 2011.
[29] Liu, Q. C.; Wang, P.; Zhang, L.; Guo, T. T.; Lv, G. K.; Li, Y. X*. Concise synthesis of two natural triterpenoid saponins, oleanolic acid derivatives isolated from the roots of Pulsatilla chinensis. Carbohydr. Res. 344, 1276-1281, 2009.
[30] Feng, Z. L.; Wu, S. P.; Li, W. H.; Guo, T. T.; Liu, Q. C*. Concise synthesis and antidiabetic effect of three natural triterpenoid saponins isolated from Fadogia ancylantha (Makoni tea). Helv. Chim. Acta, 98, 1254-1266, 2015.
[31] Liu, Q. C.; Liu, H. C.; Zhang, L.; Guo, T. T.; Wang, P.; Geng, M. Y.; Li, Y. X*. Synthesis and antitumor activities of naturally occurring oleanolic acid triterpenoid saponins and their derivatives. Eur. J. Med. Chem., 64, 1-15, 2013. (中科院1区,Top期刊)
[32] Liu, Q. C.; Fan, Z.; Li, D.; Li, W. H*.; Guo, T. T. Facile synthesis of several oleanane-type triterpenoid saponins. J. Carbohydr. Chem., 29, 386-402, 2011.
[33] Guo, S.; Cui, X. Q.; Jiang, M.; Bai, L.; Tian, X.; Guo, T. T.; Liu, Q. C.; Zhang, L.; Ho, C. T.; Bai, N. S.*. Simultaneous characterization and quantification of 17 main compounds in Rabdosia rubescens by high performance liquid chromatography. J. Food Drug Anal. 25 (2), 417-424, 2017.
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[2] 一种枣花提取物及其抑菌应用,ZL 2018 1 0799288.1,3782428,2020年5月,排名第二。
[3] 来源于汉麻叶的二苯乙烯类化合物在制备降脂药物中的应用,ZL 2018 1 0732781.1,3863325,2020年6月,排名第三。
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